So you have now had your car detailed by us and you are looking at on going aftercare.
We have thought about this to help you as best we can. The information is really aimed at our Coating customers however the principles are the same no matter what package you have chosen.
We have also created a number of videos on our Youtube Channel.
PLEASE AVOID WASHING YOUR VEHICLE FOR THE FIRST 10-14 DAYS - (Coating Packages Only) – This is to ensure the Coating Cures

Frequently Asked Questions:
– How should I wash my vehicle?
We recommend to first decontaminate your vehicle using a pressure washer, followed by a pre-wash & a 2-bucket wash. For more information on these techniques please don’t hesitate to contact us.
– What shampoo should I use?
We recommend using a pure shampoo with no additives such as Gloss Enhancers or Waxes. Our favourite & recommended is Garage Therapy ONE:/ Shampoo
– How frequently should I wash my vehicle?
We recommend having your vehicle washed a minimum of once a month, however you are welcome to wash it more frequently if you prefer. Over washing a vehicle can cause more damage than good.
– Can I use a car wash or let the main dealer wash my car?
We strongly recommend against using all types of car washes, especially local hand car washes or automated machines. The chemicals and techniques used will hinder your coating.
We also strongly recommend against having the dealership wash your car when it is in for any servicing or maintenance work for the reasons mentioned above. We have enclosed a sign to place on your interior mirror which can be found in your client information pack.
– Does my coating need topping up?
This depends on the coating installed. Some will need toppers ever 12 months. We recommend having an annual coating clean and check-up. We will contact you to arrange this in around 11 months. If you are on our maintenance scheme this is already included.
Please remember that these coatings are not indestructible and the lifespan can be dramatically reduced by incorrect washing techniques, incorrect products or bad aftercare.